Sunday, April 3, 2011

Who cares what I feed my child?

Ok this is going to be a vent. Now that you've been warned, here we go...

I have begun to think about Braden's first birthday party. I believe I have come up with a theme of space ships and robot, since daddy is a space-aholic. I mentioned to my family that I was going to start looking for healthy recipes for his own little personal cake. I don't want him having all the crazy amounts of sugar in regular cakes. Well I got the eye roll and tons of comments about how he needs "the real thing". ?!?!?!?!?! First of all, natural whole foods can't get anymore "real". And also, who do you care? How does my son's birthday cake effect you in any way? It drives me nuts. I get the eye roll about not wanting him to have juice, not feeding him any sugar for a very long time, not allowing him to suck on popsicles and lick chips and cookies. I would be impressed with someone who was trying to feed their child as healthy as possible.

Why is the world so backwards sometimes?


In other news, I am looking into becoming a doula. I met someone who is going through the training, and it just clicked in my head like, this is what I want to do. I loved birth, and I would love to help women through it. I am planning to start the course in late May. Yay!

Here are some pics!
Out at grandma's birthday dinner!
 Trying some bread. 
 Fresh melon! He loved this one. 
 My delicious homemade peas. So sweet and fresh tasting! 

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