Saturday, April 23, 2011

Vanilla Bean Pear Sauce

Ok, I suck at blogging. I haven't written a post in over a week! I am going to add a few posts now, to make up for it. First up is this recipe for Vanilla Bean Pear Sauce.

I came across this recipe while checking out the Smitten Kitchen blog. She has such seemingly fancy recipes, so I was super excited to try out the pears. This recipe has a swirl of balsamic vinegar in it, which I thought was so strange. When I tasted the end result, though, I was super surprised. The vinegar adds a depth and a richness to the pears. It is so much more than vanilla flavored pears. It's a flavor experience! Ok, so here is the recipe. It is super duper easy! Braden loved it, so I highly recommend trying it out!

Vanilla Bean Pear Sauce

A few pears (I used bosch)
Swirl of balsamic vinegar
Splash of vanilla, or a vanilla bean

Peel, core and slice pears. Place pears in a medium sauce pan with about an inch or so of water. Add the vanilla bean or vanilla extract and the vinegar. Bring the mixture to a boil, and then turn the heat down to allow to simmer, covered. Once the pears are soft (about 30 minutes), remove the vanilla bean if you used it and transfer to food processor. Give it a whirl and you're done!

I froze mine into cubes!

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